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Sonja Fransen


Sonja Fransen is a researcher and teacher at the University of Maastricht, where she works on several migration-related projects. She is one of the principal investigators of the MISTY (Migration, Transformation and Sustainability) project, financed by NORFACE and the Belmont Forum, and led by Exeter University. This three-year research project aims to provide theoretical and methodological innovations on the linkages between migration and sustainability. The interdisciplinary consortium consists of teams in Europe, North America, Asia and Africa. Sonja also works on the Migration as Development (MADE) project. This ERC-funded project studies the drivers of migration using a long-term and cross-national perspective. Previously, Sonja worked as a postdoctoral researcher on several projects related to (forced) migration at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht University, in collaboration with the Centre for Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) at the University of Oxford. Sonja’s research interests include (forced) migration, return migration, (post-conflict) development, and remittances. She has extensive, both quantitative and qualitative, fieldwork experience in various countries, and is particularly specialized in migration and development in African and European countries. Sonja has also done various consultancies for NGOs and international organizations, including UNHCR and the World Bank. She has published several academic articles, book chapters, policy briefs, and reports in the area of (forced) migration studies and development.

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