The research team at the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) are delighted to share the link to the online version of their book titled “Impact of Migration on Poverty and Growth in Bangladesh”. The hard copy of the book was published in early 2019. The poverty analysis is based on a panel survey conducted by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and RMMRU that interviewed the same 6,143 households in two waves with a three year interval. The book highlights that poverty of international migrant households further reduced 3% in these three years. However, the poverty status of the households is not static. 64% of the households which were poor in the wave 1 (2014) survey transitioned out of poverty during wave 2 (2017), whereas 57% of those who were poor in the wave 2 survey were non-poor in wave 1 and so transitioned into poverty between the two waves. The book is co-authored by Dr. Tasneem Siddiqui, professor of Political Science, University of Dhaka and founding chair RMMRU; Dr. Ananta Neelim, assistant professor of Economics, RMIT University, Australia; Dr. C. Rashaad Shabab, senior teaching fellow, University of Sussex and Mr. Mahmudol Hasan, Research Coordinator of RMMRU.
The web link for the book is http://www.rmmru.org/newsite/publications/e-book/.
To purchase the hard copy please contact Ashraka Saleem Trishita. Email: trishitasaleem@yahoo.com.
Please feel free to share the link with relevant readers.
Thank you
Professor Tasneem Siddiqui
University of Dhaka and
Founding Chair, RMMRU