Ricardo Safra de Campos

Ricardo Safra de Campos is a Population Geographer with interdisciplinary research interests at the nexus between climate science and society, with focus on the intersection between demographic processes, human security, wellbeing and sustainability. Following a PhD on mobility and climate change at the University of Queensland and a post-doc on migration as adaptation to climate change in deltaic environments at the University of Exeter, he is currently Researcher Co-Investigator for two research projects. The first, ‘Migration, Transformation and Sustainability (MISTY)’ is a Belmont Forum - NORFACE funded cross-national project that expands theories of sustainability and transformation to incorporate contemporary dynamics and challenges of mobility and associated demographic shifts. In MISTY, Ricardo is leading the development of a new model of migration-sustainability relations based on the changing composition of populations driven by spatial mobility. The second, ‘Safe and Sustainable Cities: Human Security, Migration and Well-being’ is an ESRC-DIFD funded project that incorporates migrant perspectives and sources of innovation into urban planning to build safer and more sustainable cities. In 2018, Ricardo was invited to join the team of contributing authors currently working on section Observed and Projected Responses, their Costs, Benefits, Co-benefits, drawbacks, Efficiency and Governance in the forthcoming IPCC Special Report on Oceans and the Cryosphere.