Mahmudol Hasan Rocky

Mahmudol Hasan Rocky is working as the Research Coordinator and team leader of a field research group at RMMRU. He is the key person to process and analyze data collected by the team using SPSS software. He is also involved in report writing, budgeting, questionnaire designing, training and monitoring field work. He has previoulsy worked on the research projects “Climate Change Related Migration;” “Impact of Labour Migration to the Construction Sector on Poverty;” “Cross-border Movement of the Rohingyas Burma;” “Migrating out of Poverty;” “Impact of Migration on Poverty and Development (IMPD),” “International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development;” “Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas of Bangladesh;” “DEltas, vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration and Adaptation (DECCMA);” “Impact of Migration on Poverty and Local Development (IMPD-2);” “Social Cost of Migration on Families Left Behind” and “Safe and Sustainable cities: Human Security, Migration and Well-being”. He is currently involved in the ongoing research project “Migration, Transformation and Sustainability (MISTY)’, which is a Belmont Forum - NORFACE funded cross-national project. His research interests include climate change, migration and urbanization.