Caroline Zickgraf

Caroline Zickgraf is FNRS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Liège and Deputy Head of the Hugo Observatory. She holds a doctorate in political and social sciences from the University of Liège as well as degrees from Leiden University (MPhil) and Michigan State University (MA). Dr. Zickgrafhas consulted for the World Bank, the Nansen Initiative, the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the links between climate change and migration. In 2016, she began leading University of Liège in the Horizon 2020 project ‘EDGE’ (Environmental Diplomacy and Geopolitics), a partnership with University of Economics Bratislava and Sciences Po-Paris. She has leading roles in a number of international projects including MISTY, MAGYC and MIGRADAPT. She also lectures on environment, migration, and ecopolitics at SciencesPo-Paris, Paris13, and IHECS.
Dr. Zickgraf’s main areas of research are the migratory impacts of climate change on coastal populations, transnationalism and transnational families, and (im)mobility. Currently, with the generous support of the Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS), she is conducting the research project ‘IMMOBILE’ (Immobility and the Environment), which analyzes populations ‘trapped’ or who choose to stay in areas affected by environmental changes and their relationships with those who go. For this project, she is conducting case studies in Senegal (Université Gaston Berger), Vietnam (Can Tho University) and Japan.